§ 1 General Provisions

The Regulations define the rules for the sale by means of distance communication , and use by customers in the online store run by FROGMEN TECHNICAL DIVING - Piotr Dusza, Lawendowa 6, 05-090 Łady, POLAND , VAT EU: PL7991682196 at, e- mail:
1 In the field of electronic services in these Regulations are the rules referred to in art . 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on electronic services ( Journal of Laws No. 144, item . 1204, as amended. Amended . ) . Sale takes place via the Internet in the form of a distance , between, the order, called on the client , and the seller Tech Market Piotr Dusza hereinafter Store.
2 The client can be any natural or legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality , having an email account and has full legal capacity .
3 Every Customer Online Store hereinafter Store is obliged to read the rules . Ignorance of the Regulations does not relieve the customer of the principles contained therein .
4 When making purchases in the store , customer confirms the fact familiarize yourself with these rules and that he accepts it in the current form.

§ 2 Scope of activities

1 The object of the Store is to sell products via the Internet.
2 Shop presents on its website digital photos of our products .
Photos of our products are by their manufacturers or Store , for any slight differences in color between the presentation of the website and the appearance of the original, which can occur due to technical reasons and the store does not accept responsibility for them .

§ 3 Orders

1 Orders can be placed as follows:
a) through a form available on the website of the Shop
b ) e- mail to the address available on the Store's website .
c ) by telephone at the telephone number provided on the website store .
2 Condition of the contract is to provide the customer data to allow verification of the customer and recipient of the goods . In the interests to provide accurate data and to provide the contact details of the ordered goods - Shop is not responsible for any consequences resulting from incorrect application data .
3 Store confirms acceptance of the order by email or phone. The store has the right to refuse to accept orders with the option of cash on delivery , reduce method of payment or prepayment request if the request raises a reasonable doubt as to the validity and reliability of the data supplied or the method of payment .
4 The parties are bound information contained on the website store the purchased product at the time of order , in particular the price , its features , elements included in the kit , the date and method of delivery .
5 The information on the Store's website does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code. Customer placing an order made an offer to purchase a particular product .
Sales agreement comes after confirmation of orders by the customer and the shop .
6 In the event of unavailability of the goods covered by the contract buyer is informed about this immediately . Buyer decides whether to resign from the contract if the contract is to be executed in part .
7 For sale promotions and sales intended for a limited number of goods. Execution of orders is the order of the impact of confirmed orders , until exhaustion of stocks covered by this form of selling .

§ 4 Payments

1 All prices on our Online Store administered in Polish Zloty ( PLN ) Euro (EUR) , Pounds ( GBP) and U.S. dollars ( USD) and are gross .
2 Prices do not include shipping cost.
3 The price of each is valid at the time of order by the customer.
We reserve the right to change the prices of goods on offer, introducing new products to offer Online Store , carry and cancel promotions at the Online Store or modify them .
4 You can choose from the following payment methods :
a) transfer - the Store then reserves the goods in stock and send it to the address indicated by the Customer after the payment to the bank account designated for this purpose on the Store website or in an email to the customer ,
b ) online through the system Dotpay and / lu b PayPal
c ) otherwise , if it is determined on the website.
5 The condition for the transfer of ownership of the goods is the payment for goods and shipping .
By the time of payment, the goods are owned by the Shop .

§ 5 Delivery

1. Ordered goods store supplies through the Polish Post or courier companies , or provides for collection by the customer at the premises Shop.
2. Shipping fees paid by the customer. Shop Buyer grants the authority to conclude contracts on behalf of the buyer's agreement with the Polish Post or courier (for sending the purchased goods ) and to make on his behalf and at the expense of shipping the purchased goods.
3. Shop is not responsible for the consequences of random events, which had no effect , and that prevented or hindered the performance of the contract ( fire, flood, strike , etc. )
4. Term of the contract - immediately after the payment or send orders (in case of cash on delivery ) .
In special cases ( Individual orders , no inventory, etc.). Term of the contract may be extended , the Client will be informed by the store by email or phone.

5. The estimated delivery date depends on the destination address, in particular the country to which the order is shipped. Delivery time to Poland (2-3 days), European Union countries (4-6 days), Countries outside the European Union (6-90 days), the date depends on the carrier.

7. The sent packages are insured.
The buyer is entitled to open the package in the presence of the courier - in the event of shortages in the package, a protocol should be written with the courier!
The report of shortages and/or damage in the presence of the courieris the basis for the complaint.
Lack of a damage and/or shortage report written down in the presence of the courier means that the ordering party has received the order complete and without damage.

§ 6 Complaints

1 Shop , as the seller is liable to the Client for non-compliance with the contract goods purchased by the consumer , to the extent determined by the Law of 27 July 2002 on the specific conditions of consumer sale and amending the Civil Code ( Journal of Laws No. 141, item . 1176 poźn . amended . ) in particular goods manufacturing defects , mechanical damage during transport and non-conformity of the goods included in the contract .
2 In the case of non-conformity , the Customer must return the goods to the address FROGMEN TECHNICAL DIVING - Piotr Dusza, Lawendowa 6, 05-090 Łady, POLAND with shortage report from § 5 point 7. Complaints are dealt with within 14 days from the date of receipt by mail with the store merchandise. If the complaint , the damaged product will be replaced with another full blown , and if it is impossible (for example, due to exhaustion of stocks of commodity) , Store will return the equivalent of the price of goods or offer other goods available in the store to choose from.
3 Returned merchandise can not wear signs of use. Supplied must be intact , that is, such as it was shipped to the customer (and in the original packaging ) .
4 We do not accept delivery parcels . The costs associated with returning the product being advertised , store returns immediately after accepting the complaint .
5 Physical defects (damage) should be reported without delay , at the latest within 7 days of receipt of shipment.
6 When the implementation of a justified complaint involves sending the customer a new product or remedying the defects , delivery costs borne Store .
7 When a customer complaint will not be considered by the store , the cost of returning the goods shall be borne by the customer.
8 Individual settings of your computer and monitor causing erroneous or distorted display of information about goods (eg colors ) can not be the basis for the complaint.
9 Individuals who have made an order in connection with the trade or profession and customers other than individuals who do not have the rights referred to in this paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing liability Shop warranty in relation to these customers is off

§ 7 Right of withdrawal

1. In accordance with Article 7 paragraph 1 of the Act of 02 March 2000 on the protection of consumer rights and liability for damage caused by dangerous products ( Journal of Laws No. 22, item . 271 , as amended . ) Client using the Shop , which is a consumer who has entered into an agreement for the distance may withdraw from it within 14 days from the date of his goods , making a statement by e-mail to the address or by mail to the address FROGMEN TECHNICAL DIVING - Piotr Dusza, Lawendowa 6, 05-090 Łady, POLAND marked " withdrawal " . To comply with this deadline, you must send a statement before its expiry . The right of withdrawal is effective if the customer submits the store within 14 days of receipt of goods , a statement of withdrawal from the contract. A model statement of withdrawal from the contract of sale of goods is contained within the website Store (under the Rules ) .
2. Customer returns the goods to the Store within 14 days of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract. Returned goods should be intact , including should be complete in original packaging , no signs of use . Shipping costs of returning the goods shall be borne by the customer.
3. If the goods were covered by free delivery (Shop paying for shipping) from the refunded amount of goods are deducted the cost of shipping to the customer incurred by the store.
4. The customer should :
a) provide a complete shipment together with the goods intact , ie no bearing traces of exceeding the scope of normal use , if possible , in the original packaging , in particular, protects against damage to goods during transportation ,
b ) complete and sign the declaration of withdrawal from the contract concluded at a distance,
c ) The customer shall attach to the returned goods proof of purchase issued by the store . When an invoice is issued , after the adoption of returning the goods , Store will send you a credit note . The customer is obliged to sign and return the Store a copy of the invoice correction .
5. In case of violation with the terms set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, the statement of withdrawal from the contract is void, the goods will not be refunded , and the shop does not return to the Customer the amount paid .
6. Goods returned by the customer , should be packaged in a way to ensure no damage to the goods during transport in particular, will provide return shipment in its original packaging.
7. Shop reserves the right to claim damages under the general rules under the Civil Code, in the event of injury as a result of non-performance by the Customer arising from the law the obligations imposed on him in connection with the withdrawal from the contract , in particular for the return shipment of commodity changed state , unless a change was needed in the ordinary management .
8. Individuals who enter into a contract at a distance in relation to its business or professional activity and Clients other than natural persons shall not be entitled to withdraw from the agreement referred to in this paragraph.

§ 8 Privacy Policy

1 The administrator of personal data within the meaning of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data ( Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101, item . 926, as amended . ) Is a shop .
2 By registering in the store or making a purchase in the store , the Customer consents to the processing of personal data relating to the execution of orders made in the store. No consent to the processing of personal data prevents the adoption and implementation of the Customer's order by the store . Customer is responsible for providing false personal data
3 The customer has the right to inspect their data and their correction , and to demand their removal .
4 Personal data is transmitted courier companies or other administrators of data when it is necessary to perform the contract or a contract concluded with the customer. Personal data may be disclosed to authorized .
5 Shop provides enforcement of obligations under the Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data ( Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101, item . 926, as amended . ) , In particular, allows customers access to their personal data and correct them , and the right to bring in the cases mentioned in the law written reasoned request to cease processing your personal data and the right to object to the processing of data for marketing purposes or to transfer them to another controller .
6 All correspondence on matters relating to the processing of personal data The customer should be sent to: FROGMEN TECHNICAL DIVING - Piotr Dusza, Lawendowa 6, 05-090 Łady, POLAND, marked " Personal Data" .

§ 9 Sending Newsletters

1 The customer has the option to subscribe to our newsletter Shop. Through the newsletter should understand electronic newsletter issued periodically by the store , which is published among others information about the offer Shop and promotions and contests.
2 Customer ordering a subscription newsletter at the same time expresses its consent to the delivery to the indicated address e-mail .
3 You may at any time unsubscribe newsletter , including the customer should contact the Shop declaring that waives subscription newsletter.

§ 10 Intellectual property

4 Shop Content is protected by Polish copyright law and intellectual property .
5 Rights to the store and the content contained therein are owned by FROGMEN TECHNICAL DIVING - Piotr Dusza, Lawendowa 6, 05-090 Łady, POLAND .
6 All logos, names , graphic designs , icons, videos , texts , forms, scripts , source codes , passwords , trademarks, and service marks are registered trademarks and belong to the site Shop who is also a producer.
7 Download , copy, modify , reproduce , transmit, or distribute any content from the Shop without the consent of the Administrator is prohibited.

§ 11 Entry into force and amendments to the Rules

1 Regulations come into force on the date of publication on the website store .
2 Shop reserves the right to change the Rules of Procedure , which shall enter into force on the date of their publication on the website store . Changing the Rules will not infringe rights acquired by persons enjoying the Store. For contracts entered into before the change of the Rules shall apply the version of the Rules in force at the date of the order by the Customer .

§ 12 Final Provisions

8 Submissions containing questions, suggestions , information about existing problems relating Shop customer may refer to one of the following ways :
a) with e-mail to the following address :
b ) by post to the following address : FROGMEN TECHNICAL DIVING - Piotr Dusza, Lawendowa 6, 05-090 Łady, POLAND
Shop at the earliest possible time to answer client application requiring such a response .
9 Shop is not responsible for the blocking by the administrators of mail servers sending messages to the email address specified by the customer and for the removal and blocking of emails by software installed on the computer used by the customer.
10 In the event of a dispute, individuals who have made an order in connection with the trade or profession and clients other than natural persons shall submit the dispute for resolution by the Court competent for the seat Store.

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